Registration & Immunizations
Welcome to our school! We’re happy to have you here and look forward to meeting you. Whether you’re new to the area or have a child ready for preschool or kindergarten, you’ll need to complete the registration process.
Preschool Registration
The process to enroll new students into our preschool program may take up to three days. To speed this process, please complete and return all forms, documentations, and payments in a timely manner. Students will not be able to attend their enrolled program until registration is complete, registration fee is paid, and their first tuition payment is received.
Unless your child has been identified with developmental delays, he or she must be three years of age and potty trained to attend our program. Please complete and return the appropriate registration form to Colette Zienka or bring it by the front office. To obtain a registration form, please visit the front office.
K–12 Registration
Visiting your child’s new school campus can help put jittery feelings at ease—both yours and your child’s! Stop by the school to turn in all necessary registration forms and documentation. When you come, please bring the following documentation:
- Child’s original birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Proof of residency
- Withdrawal forms (if transferring from another school)